Tuesday 3 June 2008

Can Macaws Have Blogs?

I was just browsing around the net when I came accross this blog by a Macaw. It's just so bizarre. I wonder how many other pets have blogs. I better not let my dog see it because she'll only get jealous otherwise!

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Hugh Laurie in House

I find it really funny how Hugh Laurie is so popular in the US TV show House. Seemingly whenever there is a medical condition featured on the show people suddenly reach for their computers and do a search for it. Some people exploit this fact by doing what is known as trend blogging.

Personally I can't watch House without thinking of Hugh Laurie as George from Blackadder or Wooster from Jeeves and Wooster. I don't think many Americans have heard of these sitcoms but I find the characters so different from House it's just too weird to watch.

Monday 19 May 2008

Blackadder Best Bits Compilation

Another of my fav sitcomes is Blackadder. I wish they made more as they're so funny. Check out this little video.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Reasons To Laugh

I love to have a laugh. I think a lot of people take life way too seriously which is how they end up dying from a heart attack. I was just reading some interesting info about how laughter is good for your health.

It helps you deal with stress easier, increases oxygen in the blood, reduces heart disease and a lot more besides. If you need a good laugh there are loads of videos on YouTube which you'll enjoy.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Joan Rivers Jewelry

I find it funny how Joan Rivers is a comedian turned jewelery designer. Have you seen her Joan Rivers jewelry? It's pretty horrible if you ask me. I still think she's a funny woman though!

Friday 4 April 2008

Funny Health Quotes

I just stumbled accross this really funny list of health quotes. It's not quite, um, what you would expect from a health site as the quotes are all kinda anti-health. Anyway, check it out youself: Health Tips For the Misguided.

Number 2 on the list is my fav.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Billy Connolly's Evil Scotland

I've recently finished reading Billy Connolly's biography which was very interesting idead. He's such a funny man yet had such an awful start to life.

Here is a little video of him which is a song called Evil Scotsman.

So is everyone from Scotland like this?